We know a King!

Our search for quality raw ingredients for our product led us to the Kingdom of Essan

This is the foundation of our ‘Source to Jar’ pillar where it makes us proud that when a customer picks up a jar of our products, they are able to trace the ingredients back to the source.

Imagine land covering a geographical area of over 4000 square kilometres with history dating back to 1514 AD

Trade is in their blood and these proud people are farmers, fishermen, shea collectors and processors, practising methods and traditions proudly passed from generation to generation

This place is made up of over fifteen settlements and houses the Nupe, Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo and other Nigerian tribes

Welcome to the Kingdom of Essan!

If you, as we all do, ‘Google’ Essan, this beautiful oasis hardly features in searches which makes it that bit more special, mysterious, untouched and surreal.

The Kingdom of Essan is a place where diversity reigns! It is a place with an inclusive culture, where people regardless of their religion live, co-exist and work together for the good of their kingdom.

The people of Essan have great love for their kingdom but there is one loved more, one love and respect they all have in common……. their King, their Etusan!

We are used to pointing the finger at our leaders and anyone in authority with integrity and courage being rare leadership traits these days. So, when you meet a leader, a king who is unassuming, oozes humility and has a strong but calm demeanour – one becomes a bit suspicious – and rightfully so!

If you meet His Royal Highness, Jonathan Ndagi Jiya on the streets of London, you would neither suspect nor feel that you are in the presence of a King. You would see a man, an intelligent, articulate man with a strong presence and a constant thoughtful look on his face. The tribal marks which artfully define his features make him stand out.

However, if you meet His Royal Highness in Essan, this man is transformed into a monarch who commands the utmost respect from his people. Kind but firm, gentle and soft spoken but strong and wise.

One of the most endearing qualities of this King is his love for the women in his Kingdom, seeing championing and empowering them as a no brainer. We hear, see and are constantly barraged with ‘Empowerment’ of women however, when you find a leader who ‘thinks’; ‘says’; and ‘does’ – we have to take notice. 

With the King’s support, the women of Essan have been given the opportunity to earn their own regular income within our shea facility!

This is the power of allyship!

So how can you become a better ally?

By being aware of your privilege and using it to act on injustices

By educating yourself on inequalities based on gender, race, sexuality and religion, and learning how you can help

By creating opportunities for the women around you to progress

By creating an environment where women feel supported and listened to

Naturally Tribal prides itself on being founded by women, led by women and made by women, but we do not forget the men that have helped and inspired us along the way.

When you join the tribe, know that you are supporting a brand that is inclusive, a brand that is in itself diverse and a brand that does not view female empowerment as excluding men. 

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