Are we the only ones who notice that most references to skincare are to the ‘face’ and not our entire body which has our skin as its protective barrier?

Since our conception, we have focused on this amazing barrier that is our skin from the neck down. From our exfoliators, body wash, to our moisturisers and shave oils, we have spoken about skincare, covering our entire body. 

Our Tribers have always asked if our products are suitable for the face and although all our products have been developed for those with the most sensitive skin in mind, we are now ready to battle from the neck up.



Because our face is the first thing people see. In fact, when it comes to skincare, facial products rule! Our facial range has been specially developed for the face, with superior superpowered ingredients. Our face is a very common sight of skin sensitivity therefore, we have used nature and ancestral inspired ingredients to not only protect but feed, nurture and enhance the face.


What have we done?

We have spent the last two years researching, experimenting, testing to ultimately develop products that do the following:

  1. Results driven products, products that are great for dry skin, young skin, mature skin, eczema prone skin, acne prone skin. Products that provide anti-aging properties, wrinkle reducing properties, skin tightening properties and skin toning properties. 
  2. Products suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin,
  3. Products developed with no synthetic chemicals
  4. Products that embrace and enhance our facial imperfections
  5. Products that naturally battle pigmentation
  6. Products that help battle skin conditions
  7. Products that say pure luxury 


How did we do it?

In this world of consumerism, we have taken the stand that simple is best. Our aim was to create a facial range that is not only multi-purpose, but is also the only skin routine you will need regardless of skin type or tone!  We have created a simple but innovative facial care range that has been formulated based on three principles. 

  1. Natural products that can go head-to-head with chemical based products
  2. Products that manage skin conditions and have added benefits
  3. Products that are cross generational and break the gender barrier 


What’s in a name?


Ancestral Beauty to us is heritage, wisdom, knowledge, secrets, routines and rituals tried and tested over centuries which have endured the test of time and been passed by ancestors down the generational ladder. MIMO is authentic, it is true, it is simple and powerful!

Staying true and continuing to pay homage to our African roots, MIMO means Sacred, Clean, Pure in the Yoruba Language. This to us speaks to using the power of nature to cleanse, purify, soothe and nourish whilst respecting the secrets that mother nature has to offer over all else!


What Can you expect? 

MIMO Cleansing Balm:

The key to good skin is the cleanse as this lays the foundation and the blank canvas upon which you build. Let’s face it, one can use all the actives and serums but if you don’t have good and clean skin as a base, the impact will be minimal

MIMO bridges the gap between an oil and a lotion, it is one of those cleansers that you can use repeatedly………….. single cleanse, double cleanse, morning or night whilst suitable for all skin types because it is not oily but is rich enough for dry skin

MIMO cleansing balm is a multi-tasker


MIMO Facial Serum:

Now we saved the ‘actives’ for our facial serum – the ideal to go on your beautifully cleansed face. We are all obsessed with the actives – retinoids, the peptides and of course they do have their place. Our way though is the use of Natural and ancestral ingredients that feed your skin which is where you will see the long-term benefits



Our Shea Butter continues to form a part of our identity, our heritage, our ongoing narrative!  

Many cleansers use filler ingredients/ bulking ingredients that are cheap and are used to bulk up products  - MIMO has no filler ingredients

Using premium oils at high percentages surely is a good indicator that we have not skimped on the cost and quality of ingredients we are using. We are going against the usual spend less on the product and more on the marketing

From the well knowns such as Baobab, Manketti and Marula, Mango Seed Butter complimenting the shea butter to the unique ones – Petitgrain, Bakuchiol and Sea Buckthorn - MIMO Packs a PUNCH


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