It’s acne awareness month in America and we wanted to shine a light on this skin condition which affects so many people.
Around 95% of people in the UK aged between 11-30 are affected by acne, this will vary as to whether it is mild, moderate or severe. As someone that has suffered with this, I know how frustrating and debilitating this skin condition can be!
Acne is a common skin condition which affects oil glands of the skin, resulting in spots or oily skin. There are areas on the body which acne is more likely to develop on, including the face, back or chest.
Acne can have a huge effect on self-esteem and it is often something that is hidden or not discussed. The affect that acne can have is wide ranging but we want to change the way it is discussed. Skin positivity, and acne positivity, is important and something to strive towards. No-one has perfect skin and this latest skin positivity movement shows more people rejecting these unrealistic standards.
- Try to only wash your face twice a day as regular washing can irritate the skin and affect your skins ability to produce the right amount of oil.
- Use products that are non-comedogenic, this means that the product is less likely to block pores which can cause further breakouts.
When trying to tackle acne it is important to be consistent in your skincare routine. It can take 6-8 weeks to notice a real change so be patient!
This is so important! Bacteria on your face can build up from dirt, make-up and even contact from your fingers. Cleansing both morning and night can help clean skin and keep your pores clear from build-up.
It can be hard to remove build-up and bacteria by cleansing alone. Therefore, it’s essential to exfoliate 2-3 times a week. Be careful when choosing your exfoliator though! A gentler formula will be better for your skin, particularly the face, and won’t aggravate the skin.
Look for products that contain ingredients with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties such as coconut oil, geranium, kaolin clay, tangerine and black pepper to name a few! Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties will help soothe redness and heal skin reducing scarring.
Usually a moisturiser is the last thing you want to use when you have oily skin but it’s an essential part of any skincare routine!
Moisturises are great for hydrating skin and improving its health, meaning it can fight breakouts and heal skin faster.
Shea Butter can be an amazing ingredient as it’s a humectant, emollient and occlusive (I know that sounds intensive) but what that means is it allows moisture in at a cellular level and creates a barrier to lock that moisture in.
Try using a mask a couple of times a week, to further decongest and calm your skin. Masks can help remove excess oil and treat your whole face at once.
When considering products to use, try looking for natural products that avoid the use of chemicals, as this can dry the skin resulting in more oil being produced. Chemicals can also irritate and inflame the skin making it sore.
Let us know what you have been trying and remember to #JoinTheTribe
A fellow triber
Hannah x
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