Will You Wear Pink This October?
Here at Naturally Tribal we are working hard to change the narrative and the connotations cancer has so they are a thing of the past by raising awareness alongside those who have been directly or indirectly affected. Breast Cancer UK advises us to ‘choose cosmetics free of harmful chemicals’ and their #DitchTheJunk campaign encourages us all to know what we are putting on our bodies! To help us gain a deeper understanding we turned to a friend and member of #OurTribe who had tackled breast cancer and won and is now a busy working mum. Look out for her interview next week! Cancer often produces different emotions for everyone, whether its fear, anger or sadness, and this was the case for our triber who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. Support & Self-Esteem: Breast cancer can affect how people view themselves and affect their self-esteem. At Naturally Tribal our aim is to encourage and support everyone to feel beautiful, naturally! We aim to empower the women who use our products as well as the women who produce them. Helping to empower and encourage can be done through support, just listening or simply being there for someone. We discovered how important this was for our fellow Triber, who connected with those that ‘get it’. The support you can provide is so important in all aspects of life and can mean so much, the fear from cancer and its possible return can be ongoing. What You Can Do: This years breast cancer awareness day is on 18th October and there’s still time for you to get involved
  • You can head to the website and register: https://www.wearitpink.org
  • Wear pink - you could even offer a prize for the best dressed!
  • Bake - everyone loves a treat so this is sure to go down well!
  • Donate to help fund more life saving research!
So will you wear pink this October and donate for a great cause? Help us to raise awareness and become one step closer to the ultimate goal - a future where no one dies from breast cancer. If you liked this post then please share and help us to raise awareness around #breastcancerawareness A fellow triber Hannah x

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