Microbeads are to be banned
The Government has announced that it will be bringing forward the ban on plastic microbeads in rinse-off personal care products. You may have unknowingly used these polluting plastics on your body as microbeads can be found in cosmetic products such as face washes, exfoliating scrubs, shower gels and toothpastes etc. The evidence continues to increase on how damaging these tiny pieces of plastic are to marine life and human health. This infographic by Green Peace provides more information. Manufacturers are being told to stop production of products that contain microbeads by 1st January 2018. Unfortunately, the cosmetics industry has pushed back on calls for leave-on products such as make-up and sunscreen to be included in the ban, arguing that the reformulation of these products would be "difficult" and "expensive". The great news for our natural Tribers and marine life is that Naturally Tribal does not use microbeads in any of our products - natural products such as millets and the Kola Nut are a brilliant natural alternative, found in our wonderful body scrubs and polish.

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