Last week our founder, Shalom Lloyd, went to Austin, Texas to showcase Naturally Tribal! Shalom was live on Shop LC, an American cable network, with a multi million household reach (slightly nerve-racking).
Day 1:
There was a busy schedule for Shalom's three day trip. Naturally Tribal, represented by Shalom, appeared on a Facebook question and answer session on Shop LC’s channel. Shalom and the host, Becky, discussed all things natural, including where our ingredients are sourced from and why our names pay homage to Africa. After this question and answer session, Shalom was kept busy. Making videos to showcase Naturally Tribal and our products that would be available on Shop LC. The day finished with a tour of Shop LC’s studio.
Day 2:
Naturally Tribal went on air at 1pm (7pm UK time). Shalom was on air with Shop LC host, Karen, for this first session. It was an amazing experience which was thoroughly enjoyed! Naturally Tribal had a fantastic launch into the US, with our products proving popular.
Day 3:
Time for the flight home! It was a busy few days but worth it. We welcome all our new tribers and are so excited that our amazing products have crossed the pond, from Milton Keynes to Texas!
See us on the Shop LC website here
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A fellow triber
Hannah x
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